Links to buy the ingredients for this recipe can be found here
The recipe is for a large batch, since it is pretty time consuming, and keeps a very long time.
Mix your Powder Mix ingredients in a large bowl.
Add the Erythritol to your water in a pot, and heat until the Erythritol is fully dissolved.
Slowly add your Powder Mix into the water as well, using an electric mixer if you have one. Mix thoroughly / get any clumps out before moving to the next step.
Mix in your Liquids by hand (no electric mixer this time, as it can quickly foam up / boil over).
Let boil on low heat for 15 minutes, then gradually increase the heat as much as you are able without it boiling over. Eventually you will be able to get full flame to work. You will want to boil your mixture for quite awhile now.. until it becomes more viscous than syrupy. As that is a hard thing to explain, I've included a video of that in the notes below.
Coat 3 large pyrex trays with spay olive oil, and pour your mixture in. If you have gummy bear molds, put them in the pyrex first, and also coat with olive oil spray.
Place the trays in the fridge until fully gelled (usually takes 4-5 hours).
Use a coffee grinder to grind Erythritol into fine powder, and coat both sides of your now gelled gummy sheets as you take them out of the pyrex (so its easier to cut and the pieces don't stick to each other). If you used the bear molds they should pop right out. Cut into pieces, portion them out, and keep in the fridge (if you like them harder, can freeze them.. they wont harden entirely).
Links to buy the ingredients for this recipe can be found here
The viscosity is critical, you don't want to pour the mixture into your trays until its is super thick / syrupy.. made a video clip for you guys
Here's what the gummys look like coming out of the molds